All in Wellness

What is Sound Healing or Frequency Healing and the 3 Ways of Incorporating it into Your Daily Routine

Sound healing is quickly becoming a rising topic amongst the mainstream population. While it may seem like a novel therapeutic concept to many of us, it has been used for centuries in many parts of the world.

The ancient Greeks used music as a form of sound healing that could cure mental disorders. Along with healing the body, it was also believed that different sound frequencies could lift your mood and boost morale.

In essence, these frequencies can move us to a place of balance from imbalance. Incorporating them into your daily life can have a big impact on many aspects of your being. Let’s have a look at what frequency healing really is and how it can become a part of your routine.

Journey within; A beginner's guide into shadow work

“The shadow is a psychological term for everything we can’t see in ourselves”

Shadow work means different things to different people. For me, it means looking at the things I may have noticed in myself, or things I haven’t been willing to admit. And also dive deeper

I started this journey about 5 months ago. Being more mindful about my feelings made me start to question them. Like the fact that I don’t like asking for help. Not only did it make me uncomfortable but the act of having to rely on someone else literally gives me anxiety. I always chucked this up to my Capricorn Sun personality.

5 Easy Steps To Financial Wellness

Financial independence is a goal that most Americans aspire for, but few attain. And the most common reason why people lack financial wellness is the lack of information about wealth creation or lack of confidence in their ability to create money.

However, there is a silver lining. Regardless of your credit score or income, if you seek financial literacy and apply the knowledge in your everyday activities, you are more likely to have financial freedom.

Below are some steps for enhancing your financial wellness.

Positive Affirmations every woman needs to Encourage Rest

Sleeping and giving your mind and body the time to recover from the day’s stress plays a pivotal role in your healing. It is one of the best ways you can alleviate tension and stress, and live a good quality life.

Getting enough rest is important even if you do not deal with any form of mental stress or anxiety. If don’t take a step back every now and then, you are going to suffer from the damaging consequences of neglecting your health. Overworking is never going to lead you anywhere productive.

Kicking off the 12 days of christmas; herbs to keep you well this December

So lets jump right in. I'm gonna start off with some wellness herbs to stock up now that we are in the thick of flu season and covid is still running rampid out here in these streets. I use my herbs to make infusions and tinctures. These herbs are pretty easy to find. Some you can get in local grocery stores. I would usually prefer online small shops that offer loose tea blends or dried herbs that I can mix myself. Or your local apothecary.

Ways you can raise you vibration daily; when you can't take a year off like Beyonce

I read a recent article about Beyonce needing a whole year to dedicate to her mental health. I mean how amazing would that be! I mean dang I’ll take a whole weekend dedicated to mental health and I’m sure I’d come back home bright-eyed and bushy-tailed lol. I really loved the article because I feel like a lot of us women suffer from the superwoman syndrome. We can do it all, but doing it all often time leaves you drained. But we brush that aside and keep pushing. Pushing to the end of madness. But some of us don’t have the luxury of taking a whole year off.